Introduction - Food Waste in Hong Kong
Do you know how many tonnes of food waste is produced every day in Hong Kong? Give you few seconds to guess........ According to Feeding Hong Kong, the answer is over 32,000 tonnes!
But do you know how many children die of hunger every minute? Again, give you few seconds to think........ According to the United Nations World Food Programme(WFP), the answer is 10.
32,000 tonnes Vs 10 children in a minute! What's a scaring and ironic figure!
Maybe it is time for us to take a closer look on the problem of Food Waste in Hong Kong and this is also the aim of the project you are going to conduct. Before conducting a study project, let's give you some more background information about Food Waste.
Youtube Channel
B. Food waste in Hong Kong (cut)
C. Hong Kong choking on food waste 香港的廚餘危機 by South China Morning Post
The problem of waste is highlighted in this Friends of the Earth display of discarded supermarket
The picture illustrates the prediction of Hong Kong made by Feeding Hong Kong if we don't treat the problem of food waste seriously.
Food Waste Management Strategy suggested by Food Wise Hong Kong.
News and articles
News and articles
one of them.