It is important that you understand what your challenge is going to be about... There are a lot of questions to ask.
Your teachers will guide you through projects by giving you starting questions, prompting new discussions with ideas and methods, or acting as a supervisor in other ways.
Guided Inquiry process:
What makes a good project? A good project is an analytical report with detailed structures and varieties of good quality information.
To produce a good project with reliable support, you are going to follow the following steps using BIG 6 framework.
Guideline to students
Step 1: Task definition
The purpose of this step is to define the information problem and identify the information problem.
A. What am I expected to do?
You are required to conduct an individual enquiry study about the problem of food waste in Hong Kong.
You are required to conduct an individual enquiry study about the problem of food waste in Hong Kong.
- What is food waste?
- What problems does food waste create in Hong Kong?
- About 3,000 tonnes of food waste is disposed to landfills every day, how does it affect your life and Hong Kong in long term?
- As landfills become inadequate, how important does domestic food waste management play an important role in reducing municipal solid waste in Hong Kong?
- What strategy do you want to adopt to help relieve the problem?
B. Do I understand what I need to do?
In doing your individual enquiry study, you will need to narrow down your research area and set a clear area of interest, e.g. the food waste management in Hong Kong, or the ways for reduction in the daily per capita waste disposal in Hong Kong. To help yourself in understanding your area of interest, you will need to gather first-hand and second-hand information from different sources. After interpreting your data, you will also need to draw conclusions and report your findings.
In doing your individual enquiry study, you will need to narrow down your research area and set a clear area of interest, e.g. the food waste management in Hong Kong, or the ways for reduction in the daily per capita waste disposal in Hong Kong. To help yourself in understanding your area of interest, you will need to gather first-hand and second-hand information from different sources. After interpreting your data, you will also need to draw conclusions and report your findings.
By narrowing down the topic, you need to know more about the topic. In doing so, you can gather information from the reliable party (the government) and other organizations studying this topic.
- Search the Environmental Protection Department for ideas of how is food waste problem handled in Hong Kong.
- Search other organizations like Food Wise Hong Kong which study the problem of food waste in Hong Kong.
- Search some media which provices visual support to your topic, e.g. News Magazine (新聞透視) from TVB.
C. What are the questions I need to answer?
You need to raise questions about the food waste situation in Hong Kong that you find interesting and would like to explore. Use online resources to help brainstorm your projects. For example, Popplet (an online brainstorming tool for you to gather your ideas at the beginning stage).

D. How is it relevant in my life?
You need to explain why you choose a particular area of interest and explain how it interests you and relates to your life. You can add in some of your own actual scenarios to tell the experiences of how food waste affect life.
For example, is food waste management adopted in the place you lived?
E. What type of information do I need?
For first-hand information, you may conduct online or face to face interviews or arrange focus groups.
- You can interview your neigbours about the food waste problems in your living place.
- You can interview your classmates about the food waste managements in your school.
For secondary information, you look into news articles, books, e-books, journals, and reports from the government and reliable organizations, video from YouTube etc. The secondary information types can be categorized as Figures & Statistics, News Recommendations, Online Feature Articles and Commentary, Book Recommendations and Multimedia resources.
- News articles
- Search keywords e.g. food waste problem, food waste management in HK on the web so that you can find news suitable to your project.
1. South China Morning Post- Tackle food waste today to create a sustainable future (
- YouTube video:
- Hunger and Food Waste Issues in Hong Kong by CISFeedingHongKong
- Food waste in Hong Kong (cut)
- Hong Kong choking on food waste 香港的廚餘危機 by South China Morning Post
You need to gather both first-hand and second-hand information and organize the data you gather.
F. How am I going to conduct the survey?
You may consider completing questionnaires through face to face interviews or you may do it online using different websites.
You may consider completing questionnaires through face to face interviews or you may do it online using different websites.
G. What do I need to do to present my findings?
You may consider including tables and charts, showing your findings in your survey, or even comparing the data against the data in other countries.
To make a sucessful project, you need to support your findings with data and statistics. You can go to the above website to create your own charts and tables so as to support your findings. This can help create a tailor-made charts and data so that you can visualize your findings to your readers.
